The Flying Hillbillies Radio Control Club (FHRCC) is an AMA chartered recreational aeromodelling club with open membership. FHRCC’s home base is a tract of land leased from the American Electric Power Company in Putnam County, between WV Route 817 and the Kanawha River, about three miles Northwest of the John Amos Powerplant. Club members also operate floatplanes at Ridenour Lake in Nitro from time to time.
The primary interest of most FHRCC members is fixed-wing radio-controlled aircraft, however you will find us to be generally enthusiastic about anything that flies or operates by remote control. FHRCC welcomes guests and visitors to our flying sites, and club members are typically eager to meet folks from the community and help them learn about our hobby. Membership is open to all, and several FHRCC members have volunteered to provide one on one instruction to folks who are new to the hobby so that fledgling flyers can master the skills needed to operate model aircraft safely and successfully.

FHRCC’s Winfield site features a covered shelter with tables and seating to provide a place to meet, plan, swap stories, and enjoy the friendship and camaraderie that abounds in our hobby. There are porta-johns on the site to make a visit to Hillbilly Field comfortable for all. If you see the gate open on a fair-weather day, there’s a good chance that you’ll find friendly club members at the field who will be pleased to meet you and happy to explain what we’re all about.