Flying Hillbillies RC Club

AMA District 3 – Club # 657 – Winfield, WV, USA

November Meeting

A meeting was held November 11, 2023, at the Putnam County Library. Affiliate members Adam Ketchem and Barry Doss from the Mountaineer RC Club were present. Mike Eden read the treasurer’s report, which indicates that we have $1,602.71 in the bank. (Dues for 2024 are due by January 1.) FHRCC currently has 29 paid members, down a few from last year.

Mike has been in contact with school personnel regarding the Flite Test STEM program, which introduces students to RC flying, and volunteers are welcome to participate in this effort to introduce young people to the hobby and potentially bring them into the club.

Nominations for club offices were discussed, and as expected, we were not overwhelmed with office-seekers. I think I can speak for the rest of the current officers to say that we’re willing to continue in our current positions if no one else has a burning desire to take over. (If you have such a desire, please, please let us know.) Terry Burdette indicated that he’d be willing to serve as necessary.

Mike is going to arrange for a room at the Italian Grille in Teays Valley for a Christmas party for members and families. Prospective dates are December 9th or 16th, and members will be notified when plans are finalized.

Field maintenance was the final topic of discussion, and our primary concerns are roof repairs for the mower storage Conex, gravel for the entry road, and runway repairs. Chuck Harper has a plan for the Conex roof and will be looking for volunteers to help with the project. The remaining items will be deferred until spring. Mike has also looked into renting a roller to use on the field in the spring, and if we do this, we’ll need to select an appropriate weather window and make sure we have enough volunteers standing by to keep the roller active for multiple consecutive days.




