The Flying Hillbillies RC Club was organized as an Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) chartered club in 1968 and became a West Virginia corporation in 1979. FHRCC’s original flying site was just south of the John Amos Powerplant, between the railroad and the Kanawha River. In the early 1980s the club moved about 3 miles farther south along Route 35, to a site adjacent to what was then the Rish Equipment facility, and shortly after that FHRCC relocated to the current Winfield site.

FHRCC’s primary flying site in Winfield includes about ten acres of cleared land, a 550-foot asphalt runway, a covered shelter with electrical power available, and restroom facilities. The Winfield site is an FAA-Recognized Identification Area (FRIA), which means members and guests flying at hillbilly field are not required to broadcast Remote ID signals to comply with FAA UAS regulations. Several FHRCC members fly seaplanes at Ridenour Lake in Nitro, and that site is a FRIA as well. See maps and additional information here.
Membership in the AMA is required for all flying members of FHRCC. One of the reasons FHRCC requires AMA membership is that the AMA provides insurance coverage for the member, the club, and the site owners. (You can join FHRCC as an associate member without AMA membership, however this does not include flying privileges.) You can apply for FHRCC membership here.
Club meetings are generally held monthly, at the field when weather permits, and at the Putnam County Library during the winter months. Upcoming meetings and events are announced on the events and newsletter pages.
To be added:
Public documents: charter, bylaws, etc.
Club Rules