Flying Hillbillies RC Club

AMA District 3 – Club # 657 – Winfield, WV, USA

July 27 Meeting

A meeting was held at the field on Saturday, July 27, 10:00am. Treasurer Don CIpolla was not present, but he passed along to President Mike Eden that FHRCC has $2601 in the bank, and we’ve recently added two new members.

The first of our Thursday evening training sessions was held Thursday, July 25. It was well attended by family members, but not so much from the general public. Next month we’ll try to get the word out a little further in advance in hopes of attracting more participation.

The main topic of discussion was a break-in that occurred on the night of Sunday the 21st. The perpetrator cut the lock off the main gate and entered the field. We believe he noticed the trail cameras at the shelter/shed area and left when he realized he was under surveillance.

Proposed additional security precautions include adding another camera in the gate area and adding some motion activated lighting. Also, the importance of locking the gate lock to the chain after entering and clearing the combination was emphasized, and it was determined that we will change the lock combinations annually to help prevent unauthorized access.

Don Huffman is working on a more visible sign to replace the hanging sign south of the field entrance. Barry Doss suggested we look into some additional signage options which may be available through the Department of Highways.

Don Huffman, Don Shamblin, and Doug Holley are planning to spray herbicide on the runway and clean up the remaining vegetation. After that is done, we may be organizing a work party to patch the asphalt.

FHRCC will host an Autumn fly-in at the field, tentatively October 5, with flight demonstrations, food, a raffle, and so on.




