Flying Hillbillies RC Club

AMA District 3 – Club # 657 – Winfield, WV, USA

October 5 Meeting

A meeting was held at the field at 11:00am, Saturday, October 5, with nine members present. It’s getting to be time to start thinking about officer nominations for next year. Current officers are

  • President: Mike Eden
  • Vice President: Steve DiPiazza
  • Treasurer: Don Cipolla
  • Safety Officer: Chuck Harper
  • Secretary: Joe Blizzard

If any of you reading this are interested in taking over one of these positions for 2025, or if you know someone who might be interested, please let us know.

Don Huffman got an estimate from a paving contractor to replace the North/South asphalt runway for $16k. Needless to say, this would take some serious fundraising efforts. Suggested funding sources included our upcoming swap meet, raffles, an AMA grant, and a GoFundMe page.

We will hold another swap meet in cooperation with the Mountaineers Club on February 22 at Coonskin. Pricing for tables, admission and operating hours were discussed. More information will be provided when details are finalized. It was determined that we should try to schedule all next year’s events in time to publish them in the AMA Calendar.

Barry Doss graciously added wheels to all of our safety benches:

Here are a couple of highlights from the flying that took place after the meeting:



