Flying Hillbillies RC Club

AMA District 3 – Club # 657 – Winfield, WV, USA

Message From the President

First off, I wanted to thank all of those who came out to the joint club Christmas dinner last week. We had a great group of 27 people and had great food and friendship. Thanks to Jim Butler for setting it up and asking to do the joint venture. I think we may have found a great place for future dinners/events.

Next, I wanted to remind everyone of our Annual New Years Day fun fly at the Hillbillies field at noon on January 1! Chuck Harper will be setting up all the events and frivolity! I hope you can attend. We will also be counting votes for club offices at that time. So, if you haven’t sent your ballot in yet, you can bring it to the field on January 1st.

Lastly, but most importantly I’ve attached the flyer for our upcoming swap meet on February 22, 2025. This is on the AMA website, and I have received just one inquiry about the event. Please do your best to get the word out on this event. Please put it out there in every way you can, Facebook, dropping off flyers at local business etc.  Let me know if you need printed copies and I will get them to you. We had a great event last year and I would like to see us have the same this year.

Thanks, Mike Eden



